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Medical Videos

The following video selection is for information only.
They explain what happens when there’s a rise, or fall, in the chemical called dopamine in the brain.

They do not take the place of an “in person” consultation with a registered medical practitioner. Do not try to self-diagnose. Please only view these for information, not towards self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Another condition may be involved, or underly the situation.

From these, though, you can see how puzzles help to exercise both sides of the brain… and much more. It is all fascinating to understand…

Jigsaws are commonly used in a wide range of medical, therapeutic settings and have an excellent record for helping people with a range of medical conditions to feel better. They are a lot nicer to use than taking pharmaceutical medication and are a worthwhile starting place for anyone worried about their Mental Health, their memory, stress, anxiety or other associated conditions.

Puzzlers who give their brain a regular work out on a “puzzle mat” can benefit their Mental Health far more than many “players” ever realise.

See the list on this next page for the range of medical conditions helped by the use of simple, “old fashioned” therapeutic jigsaws.

Scroll down for lots of explanations
interesting clips of information.

DOPAMINE DEFICIENCY: – the physiology

The following video explains what occurs when there is a drop in the level of dopamine in the brain. The Doctor in this video, Dr. John Bartemus, explains the series of chemical reactions very clearly.

DEPRESSION: Dopamine Deficiency, Serotonin Deficiency, or Inflammation?

The following video explains what occurs during a bout of depression.
The Doctor in this video, Dr. John Bartemus, explains the series of chemical reactions very clearly.

LOW DOPAMINE: Top 5 Signs and Symptoms

The following video explains the signs and symptoms of reduced dopamine levels.
The Holistic Nutritionist in this video, Evan Brand, explains this clearly.

ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD: Dopamine Deficiency = Poor Working Memory
The following video explains the signs and symptoms of reduced dopamine levels related to working memory and also to genetics.
Dr Ron Sterling, being interviewed, explains this extremely well.
Improved working memory also improves academic success.

Alternative Thoughts – Increasing Dopamine Naturally

An interesting watch, but you should filter the information from the adverts for their products within this film… the information itself is still useful and thought-provoking.

They state: “Dopamine, also known as the “happy chemical” is secreted when we are happy and achieving our goals. Learn how to naturally increase the production of dopamine, without the use of drugs or medications. “
VitaJing Herbs

tip: Start at 4.39 mins in

Anatomy – of the Brain

(Circle of Willis and Stroke)
A clear description of the brain and what occurs with stroke (cerebro-vascular accident or CVA)

Boost Dopamine For Motivation and Focus

A clear description of how to boost dopamine.

Dr David Jockers, who speaks around the world on brain health says: “Dopamine has been called the “motivation molecule,” as it helps provide the drive and focus needed to get stuff done.

Discover how to boost your dopamine in this video and for more info check out this article:…

COMT and MAO: How Diet Influences Dopamine and Adrenalin Levels
Eliminate Excess Stress

Dr Andrew Rostenburg

“Have you ever noticed that certain people get very cranky when they don’t eat food?
Do you know someone who becomes an angry, emotional tyrant if they skip a meal?
If you want to know WHY this happens then you will love this video.
Dr. Rostenberg explains the science and genetic pathways which influence our neurotransmitter levels.
You will learn why balancing both blood sugar and insulin levels is the most important lifestyle habit for reducing depression and anxiety, esp. in people with COMT and MAO SNPs.
If you would like help with your gut function to improve your methylation and reduce/eliminate your symptoms, please contact
Dr Rostenberg at Red Mountain Natural Medicine today.
Phone 208-322-7755. Email
Website and “

Dr Mobeen Syed – Medical Lecture – Parkinson’s Pathology

Dr Mobeen Medical Lectures
“Dopaminergic pathways, sometimes called dopaminergic projections, are the sets of projection neurons in the brain that synthesize and release the neurotransmitter dopamine.
There are four dopaminergic pathways.
Dr. Mobeen Syed explains, that from the midbrain to the limbic system especially nucleus accumbens, is the mesolimbic pathway. (Abnormality in this pathway causes schizophrenia).
D2 receptors are present.
The mesocortical pathway between the midbrain and frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex.
The nigrostriatal pathway between substantia nigra and neostriatum.
Both D1 and D2 receptors are present in the nigrostriatal pathway.
The hypothalamo-pituitary pathway is also dopaminergic and is involved in the inhibition of prolactin.
All four pathways are affected when dopamine blocker or agonist is given to treat schizophrenia or Parkinson’s disease. Following topics have been discussed:
*Dopaminergic pathways.
*Types of dopaminergic pathways.
*Location of the mesolimbic pathway.
*Location of the mesocortical pathway.
*Location of the nigrostriatal pathway.
*Location and function of the hypothalamo-pituitary pathway.

More on Parkinson’s Disease from Dr Mobeen

Dr Mobeen States:

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive, neurodegenerative disorder of melanin-containing dopaminergic-neurons in the anterior part of the substantia nigra pars compacta.

Macroscopic morphology is that substantia nigra pars compacta and locus coeruleus look pale due to the degeneration of dopaminergic nerve fibers in the anterior part of the substantia nigra pars compacta.

Microscopic morphology is that there is an accumulation of Lewy bodies in the neurons which block the neurotransmitter release.

Dr.Mobeen Syed explains the role of alpha-synuclein proteins in apoptosis. Due to gene mutation, there is a polarity change and multiple proteins clumb up together. They end up making beta-pleated sheets that make fibrils. These fibrils capture some proteins with it which are necessary to inhibit ubiquitin proteins.

So ubiquitin proteins are free to perform apoptosis. The dopaminergic cells die.

The other theory says that Lewy bodies disrupt the functions of antioxidants and mitochondria. They disturb the neurotransmission.

The cells start functioning less, and the dopaminergic cells die.

So once substantia nigra pars compacta start degenerating, the thalamus becomes disinhibited and rigidity starts appearing.

The following topics have discussed in the video:
* Macroscopic morphology of Parkinson’s disease
* Microscopic morphology of Parkinson’s disease
* Concept of Lewy bodies
* Role of Lewy bodies in Apoptosis

Sandrine Thuret
She studies the way adult brains create new nerve cells in the hippocampus — a brain area involved in memory and mood.

Can we, as adults, grow new neurons? Neuroscientist Sandrine Thuret says that we can, and she offers research and practical advice on how we can help our brains better perform neurogenesis—improving mood, increasing memory formation and preventing the decline associated with ageing along the way.

Why Should You Listen
In her lab at King’s College London, Sandrine Thuret studies adult neurogenesis — the process by which adult brains create new nerve cells. (Until the 1990s, we didn’t even know they did this!)

Thuret’s work focuses on the hippocampus, the area of the brain that is related to memory, and her work asks two big questions: How can we help our healthy brains create new nerve cells throughout our lives, through diet and behaviour changes? And how can we study the effects of diseases such as depression and Alzheimer’s on our brains’ ability to grow?

Siddharthan Chandran’s TED talk
Can the damaged brain repair itself?

Dr Siddharthan Chandran explores how to heal damage from degenerative disorders such as MS and motor neuron disease (ALS).

After a traumatic brain injury, it sometimes happens that the brain can repair itself, building new brain cells to replace damaged ones. But the repair doesn’t happen quickly enough to allow recovery from degenerative conditions like motor neuron disease (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease or ALS).

Siddharthan Chandran walks through some new techniques using special stem cells that could allow the damaged brain to rebuild faster.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects the nervous system by chewing up the axons that connect neurons to one another, which slows, stops or simply randomizes the transmission of nerve impulses.

At the Centre for clinical brain sciences at the University of Edinburgh, Siddharthan Chandran works in the emerging discipline of regenerative neurology — exploring how injured or damaged neurons in the brain might actually be repaired.

His research strategy uses MS and motor neuron disease (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease) as primary disease models, combining laboratory and clinical activity to study brain injury, neurodegeneration and repair, using stem cells to model and test.

His work, he says, “reflects the complexity of the brain. You can replace a kidney, but not a brain. One must remain careful and humble in the face of current knowledge.”

He is also director of the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic.

“Chandran’s crusade against Multiple Sclerosis got a boost when author J K Rowling, the creator of the Harry Potter series, gifted £10 million to the centre he co-directs.” — Times of India

Biochemist Gregory Petsko
makes a convincing argument that, in the next 50 years, we’ll see an epidemic of neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, as the world population ages.
His solution: more research into the brain and its functions.

Gregory Petsko’s own biography, on his Brandeis faculty homepage, might seem intimidatingly abstruse to the non-biochemist — he studies “the structural basis for efficient enzymic catalysis of proton and hydride transfer; the role of the metal ions in bridged bimetallo enzyme active sites; direct visualization of proteins in action by time-resolved protein crystallography; the evolution of new enzyme activities from old ones; and the biology of the quiescent state in eukaryotic cells.”
But for someone so deeply in touch with the minutest parts of our bodies, Petsko is also a wide-ranging mind, concerned about larger health policy issues. The effect of mass population shifts — such as our current trend toward a senior-citizen society — maps onto his world of tiny proteins to create a compelling new worldview.

Scientist Samuel Cohen shares a new breakthrough in Alzheimer’s research from his lab as well as a message of hope.
“Alzheimer’s is a disease,”
Cohen says,
“and we can cure it.”

More than 40 million people worldwide suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, and that number is expected to increase drastically in the coming years. But no real progress has been made in the fight against the disease since its classification more than 100 years ago. Scientist Samuel Cohen shares a new breakthrough in Alzheimer’s research from his lab, as well as a message of hope.

“Alzheimer’s is a disease,” Cohen says, “and we can cure it.”


About Anxiety : – this is a fabulous video, even though he speaks a bit quickly and you may have to watch it more than once.

About Stress, Depression, Anxiety & PTSD
This video offers a brilliant explanation about the physiological effects of these.

More about Stress, Depression, Anxiety & PTSD

A powerful video by Dr Dan Schultz: Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Holistically; Part 3: Balanced Brain Chemistry:

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